There are many benefits that showcase the importance of the system. A key factor of adopting Eye Hospital Management software is the smooth-running of the entire workflow and better patient care by investing less time & energy.
Ease of access:
The main advantage of eye hospital management is the availability of data. We can easily retrieve information from any patients, doctors, or other staff within less time. The system can store the patient’s information to recheck the reports whenever required.
Speed and efficiency:
The system automates the management of the hospital which results in less human intervention at a level. This increases the speed in tasks such as communication between different departments, report generations, etc. The system can perform the tasks assigned with utmost accuracy for the whole day long.
The total cost of operation in a hospital can be cut short by implementing the system in your hospital. The load of manual work will be reduced and the physical storage space will be saved as well.
There are many different modules that help to manage each department in an Eye Hospital. Few of these must-have modules are listed below:
Reception module:
The reception module focus on the patient’s and doctor’s status information, which can be enquired at the desk reception. Time of consultation, patient’s history, and other details are stored in the reception module.
Patient Registration module:
The main importance of this module is no paper documents are required to keep a record of patients’ entry. Patients are free of all the paperwork throughout the hospital visit, which was a time-consuming task. The module manages the patient’s information chart that includes prescription, identification proofs, etc.
Refraction module:
In an eye hospital, the most useful module is the refraction module, where you get to test the vision easily. The vision test is carried out by ophthalmologists and suggests if prescribed lenses are required. This workflow is carried out in a simple way through the refraction module.
Consultation, Pharmacy, and Surgery module:
The doctor consultation is done through retrieving patients’ complete details from, registration section to the doctor’s desk through few clicks. Doctors after consultation can e-prescribe the medicine for particular patients and send it directly to the connected pharmacy.
The Surgery module helps the doctor to analyze the patient’s history before surgery, data related to surgery are also stored in the module for further references.
Counselling module:
The module counsel the patients to take a decision on their health-related queries. The hospital takes necessary steps according to patients’ status which helps the management to improve their efficiency.
Inventory module:
The module consists of all the knowledge related to stocks, orders, and inventory of a hospital. Before the hospital runs out of any stocks, the automated system warns about it eliminating further worries.
Analytics and Dashboard module:
To better understand the growth of a business, the analytic way is the best choice. The module helps to collect data and display the result in an analytic manner through various dashboards, to understand the management improvements and performance.

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