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The biggest question is here! How to handle misinformation or fake news against your brand. To be honest, it is a bit tricky and tough for any brand. No matter how hard you try, in this era of negative marketing, it is very easy to fall into such traps but very difficult to retain the brand image. 

Being the best digital marketing agency, Digital TLJ has come across many such circumstances and this is the reason we can give the best advice. Look, building a brand’s trust in this competitive market is challenging but following some tips will help you fight negative marketing and create a brand that people trust, rely and celebrate.

But before we jump into the tips, we would like to draw attention to how you can create a strong foundation for your brand. This foundation will reduce the risks of such challenges. Being honest is the only and the strongest strategy to follow. Start your brand with honesty, and the right communication. Do not give fake hopes or promote something that you cannot fulfill. Only promote what you can deliver. This way, you can navigate through your audience’s expectations without feeling burnt out. 

Now, let’s talk about the tips. 


The first thing that you need to do as a brand is respond. Not responding to such controversies can make the misinformation more valid. But you cannot lose your cool. You prepare yourself first and then give your public statements.

Try to put facts and figures that support your statement. This will help gain people’s trust more effectively. Never be afraid to address such issues. Rather, you should make public statements or you can also promote on your social media about the misinformation and explain the entire scenario. 

Furthermore, provide solutions to your users on how to get rid of it. This way, they can reach out to you for help building stronger bonds this time. 


The next step that you can take is to do proper research. It is the best social media marketing strategy you can follow. As a brand, you must be aware of what is happening in the market using your brand or brand’s name. 

What is happening, who is being affected, on which social media platform it has been happening, all of these things are essential for spreading awareness and gradually solving the problem. To make you understand in a better way, let us describe a situation.

Suppose some people are scamming your users by using your brand’s name. Naturally, people will reach out to you or act furiously against you. This is called negative marketing.  In such scenarios you can identify on which platform it is happening, what misinformation they are providing, etc. 

After gathering all the information, you can create an awareness post or alert post where you describe everything and suggest what to do. This way people will be able to relate and trust you as you have shown proof to them. Media monitoring tools can help a lot.

Make a Well- Designed Execution Process

Do not engage in any kind of casual conversation that can be used against you. Always communicate with your customers through official numbers or mediums. This reduces the chances of scams. 

Scams don’t spread through verified channels. If you can maintain that, there are very high chances that people will not fall for them. This way, we can sit back and relax because you have already taken precautions and started with honesty and authenticity which can never be threatened. 

Build a Strong Customer Service

As the best digital marketing agency in India, we strongly believe that strong customer service is the game changer in such scenarios. A strong customer service team can listen to customer’s problems, queries, and any doubts that they are having and take the needed action. 

Put the number on your website, so that if anything happens, people can call you and confirm. It means that customers become your resource to find out about any negative marketing that has been happening.  Remember, only strong communication can enable you to avoid conflicts and controversies that damage your reputation.

Wrapping Up

Negative marketing can hamper your SEO a lot. But, no fear when the best SEO company in Ahmedabad is here. Always remember, be it influencer marketing, testimonials, or any other strategy, if you don’t start with honesty and transparency, there will be loopholes that can backbite you. 

The right knowledge and right assistance can make you a trusted brand in 2024. All you need to do is take one step at a time. The process can be slow, but it is not faulty. Keep it slow, maintain the quality, and constantly resolve issues. The more you solve issues, the better it is.

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